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Is There a Difference Between Compression Socks and Compression Stockings

Are compression socks really all they're cracked up to be? Explore the potential benefits for yourself and decide if compression gear is a must-have for your running arsenal.

Compression socks have infiltrated the running world, and they seem to have become one of those must-know running terms.

The proof is in the pudding: look around during your next race—you'll probably see more than a few runners sporting compression socks and sleeves as they pound down the trail.

Some athletes swear by them. Many runners are convinced that wearing compression socks helps them reach new athletic heights.

Talk to any compression fan and prepare for a speech about the benefits of their fancy socks: injury prevention, performance enhancement, and a shorter recovery period for starters.

The anecdotes can be pretty darn convincing:

  • "My legs are less sore after wearing compression socks for just a single day!"
  • "These compression socks help me run faster, for longer."
  • "These socks are a must-have for long-distance runners."

With reviews like that, it's hard to resist the temptation of investing in a pair of compression socks for running. Who wouldn't want to cut down on muscle soreness and smoke the competition?

However, the research on compression socks isn't so cut and dry. There are limited studies that prove compression socks actually help enhance performance.

So, the question stands: Can compression socks really help you run?

Let's dig in and find out.

What are compression socks?

Compression socks for runners are elastic socks, designed to be worn up to the knee—think tube socks on steroids.

They may stretch over the foot up to the knee, or begin at the ankle (more often called a sleeve). These super strong socks squeeze around the calf, compressing the veins on the surface of the leg, along with your leg's muscles and arteries.

Compression Socks: A Timeline

While they've really become a hit with running circles as of late, compression socks are nothing new. As it turns out, compression therapy has been in the works for thousands of years.

Here's a quick timeline of compression through the ages:

New Stone Age

Compression therapy can be traced back to the Neolithic period—that's right, cave men caught onto this trend a long time before your marathon buddies. Cave paintings dating back to 5000 BCE depict images of soldiers with bandaged legs. While researchers can't confirm that these bandages were used for compression, this is typically considered to be the first evidence of this type of therapy.

Edwin Smith Papyrus

Fast forward a few thousand years: an antique collector purchases the Edwin Smith Papyrus. This is the world's oldest surgical document, dating around 1600 BC, and it mentions—you guessed it—compression therapy for legs.


Another time jump: this time to the era of Hippocrates. This famous doctor (Hippocratic Oath ring a bell?) wrote that he used compression bandages to prevent blood from pooling in patients' legs sometime between 450 and 350 BC.

Hey, if it was good enough for Hippocrates, it's good enough for us.

Compression Therapy in the Modern Era

Over the next thousand years, compression therapy was used in varying ways.

Let's get to the good stuff though—let's take a look at its arrival in the modern world.

In the 20th century, new methods of compression therapy popped up: ladies and gents lined up to buy laced stockings, elastic bands, and bandages with adhesives.

These days, compression therapy is used to treat a wide array of medical conditions, especially for people that struggle with particular health problems, including:

  • Diabetes
  • Deep vein thrombosis
  • Varicose veins
  • Leg ulcers
  • Leg swelling
  • Circulatory problems

In recent decades, compression therapy has made the leap from medical treatment to athletic gear must-have. Compression gear can now be seen on professional athletes and recreation runners alike, from compression socks to compression arm bands—and everything in between.

Looking for the right compression gear for your needs? Check out a few of our favorites!

Zensah Compression Leg Sleeves

MSRP: $39.99

Shop Now

2XU Compression Arm Guard (Single)

MSRP: $24.95

Shop Now

Men's CEP Progressive+ Run Compression Socks 2.0

MSRP: $59.99

Shop Now

Understanding Blood Flow

Before we get into the dirty details surrounding compression socks, it's important to have at least a basic understanding of how blood flows throughout the body—and how these tighter-than-normal socks may play a role.

The heart is tasked with pumping oxygen-rich blood to your muscles and limbs through your arteries. Once your cells use up the oxygen and nutrients in the blood, the deoxygenated blood and other waste products head into the veins, and are then funneled back into the heart.

After the deoxygenated blood has made its way back to the heart, it's once again oxygenated from the lungs—and then the process starts over.

Okay, okay, the science is all well and good—but how does that play into your running performance?

Let's put it simply: the more oxygen your cells get, the better they're going to function.

Compression socks help circulate blood more efficiently through the legs, which gets blood back to your heart faster. The faster the blood is flowing, the better the circulation. The better the circulation, the more oxygen to your cells…you see where we're going with this.

What are the benefits of compression socks?

This all sounds well and good, but before you run out and buy yourself a pair of compression socks for running, let's take a closer look at some of the supposed benefits:

  • Enhanced oxygen delivery: As mentioned above, keeping oxygen-rich blood flowing to your muscles is pivotal to performance. You don't want to be halfway through your marathon just to have your calves poop out on you.

So how do compression socks help you achieve this important oxygen delivery? The purpose of compression socks is to provide graduated compression, meaning they're tighter at the bottom, and looser at the top.

They're designed to help your legs battle the effects of gravity by pushing blood back up to the heart. The pressure created by the stockings help funnel fluid up the leg, increasing blood flow to the heart—meaning you can get those good nutrients and essential oxygen exactly where you need them, when you need them.

  • Reduce lactic acid: Compression socks may also help with muscle soreness—bet that just got your attention.

When you exercise, your body produces a waste product called lactic acid. If you let lactic acid hang out in your muscles, you may be feeling mighty sore come tomorrow morning—and unable to complete that 5-miler you had planned.

Compression socks are here to save the day! Like we mentioned above, proper compression therapy can help constrict your veins—but don't worry, this is a good thing!

When your veins become more narrow, the velocity of the blood coursing through (this is beginning to feel like high school physics, isn't it?) actually increases.

Increased velocity means that your blood and lactic acid can actually make their way back to your heart much faster, decreasing the amount of muscle soreness you're bound to feel in the days following your big run.

  • Prevent cramps and swelling: Compression may help reduce excess movement of your calf muscles—why tire out your legs more than you need to? Wearing a compression sock while running may help decrease the effort your legs have to put in, meaning you'll go easier on your muscles and reduce the effects of fatigue.

Compression socks for running can also be used to control swelling in your feet, ankles, and legs. Because these socks squeeze around these areas, they prevent the buildup of fluid in the tissue.

Learn more about compression sleeves for running with our how-to video below:

Do compression socks for running actually work?

Running circles have latched onto compression socks, citing the above benefits as the answer to all of their running woes. But how does this theory hold up? Can compression therapy really take your performance to the next level?

That depends on who you ask.

Let's take a look at some of the research—strap in for some conflicting statements, folks!

  1. "Compression Socks and Functional Recovery Following Marathon Running: a Randomized Controlled Trial"

What a name, huh? According to this lengthy-titled study published in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, athletes who wore compression socks for 48 hours after completing a marathon improved their running performance during a treadmill test—a mere two weeks later.

A positive finding, to be sure, but unfortunately, that result hasn't been the case in other studies. Case in point: our next study.

  1. "Efficacy of Compression Socks to Enhance Recovery in Distance Athletes"

In this study published by Horizon Research Publishing Company, runners wore compression sucks during a two hour run, and kept the socks on for eight hours after. Findings were less than positive: researchers saw insignificant changes in muscle soreness and failed to find anything linking compression socks and enhanced performance.

  1. "Lower Leg Compression Sleeves: Influence on Running Mechanics and Economy in Highly Trained Distance Runners"

Okay time for the tie-breaker. Does our third study fall in favor of compression gear?


During this study, researchers observed 16 highly-trained male distance runners. Each was tasked with completing two 12-minute running tests. During one, the subjects wore lower leg compression, during the other, they didn't.

After the tests were complete, results were in: the lower leg compression gear didn't significantly impact the runner's performance.

With these three studies in mind, it's safe to say compression gear hasn't been proven as a must-have performance enhancer for today's runner. Unfortunately, the bulk of research doesn't support the idea that compression socks can transform your athletic prowess—but that's not to say they don't offer some other great benefits.

But hey, it's up to you! Just because the studies don't prove that compression socks are effective, as mentioned, some runners swear by them. At this point, it's a personal choice.

If you feel more or less sore after you run, if it's comfortable to keep compression gear on during your stride, or if you notice a decrease in swelling—keep wearing those bad boys!

How do I size my compression socks?

If you decide to give compression socks a try, make sure you're purchasing the right size—wearing compression gear that's too tight is a no-no.

Too-tight compression isn't just an athlete's problem—if affects compression accessories in the medical field, as well.

A 2008 study in theAmerican Journal of Nursing found that 26 percent of 149 hospitalized people told to wear compression stockings after surgery were given the wrong size. Around 29 percent of those studied weren't wearing them correctly.

Improper use of compression can lead to excess pressure on the skin, which can cause discomfort and even bruising.

While this is more common in cases of medical compression stockings, it's still important to consider sizing when you purchase a pair of compression socks for running.

Unfortunately, sizing isn't always so straightforward. There's no universal standard for compression socks or stockings, so taking your own measurements with a tape measure is crucial. Measure at different parts of the leg, including the thigh, calf, and ankle, and try them on for size before making a purchase.

If you're shopping for medical-grade stockings, make sure you do your homework. Better yet, head into a medical supply shop and ask a professional fitter to help you choose the right size and compression level for your medical needs.

If, however, you're shopping for compression socks for running or other athletic endeavors, trial and error in the store is probably all you need to do to ensure the appropriate fit.

Try on a few different pairs, walk around, and see what's comfortable. Nothing wrong with a little hop, jump, and a skip around the store—how else are you supposed to know what works for you?!

What do the different compression ratings mean?

As you shop for compression socks, it's also important to consider how much compression you actually need—no need to go all boa constrictor on your leg.

The traditional compression stocking is available in four different levels of compression. You'll find them measured in millimeters of mercury (mmHg), which indicates the amount of pressure the stocking will apply to your leg.

The higher the measurement, the more pressure.

  • Under 15 mmHg: This is considered mild or light compression, and is typically recommended for healthy people who are tired from standing or sitting all day. Think: pregnant women, waitresses, medical professionals.
  • 15 to 20 mmHg: This is considered moderate compression, and can help prevent deep vein thrombosis or prevent leg swelling for those traveling by airplane.
  • 20 to 30 mmHg: This third tier is sometimes referred to as "medical-grade" compression, and can be used to help prevent and treat varicose veins, edema, and blood clots.
  • 30+ mmHg: Compression stockings that measure 30 mmHg or above are often seen in post-surgical situations, and are typically graduated (insert your favorite cap and gown joke here!). Because they are tighter at the bottom and looser at the top, these socks won't cut off circulation—they'll help enhance it, as intended.

What's the difference between a compression sock and compression sleeve?

As you shop compression gear, you'll see both socks and sleeves designed for the leg. A compression sock is worn over the foot, stretching up to the knee. A sleeve is slipped on over the leg, starting at the ankle and stretching up to the knee.

Picking between the two is a matter of personal preference—and where you believe you need the most support. If you're looking for added support in your Achilles tendon, your ankle, or the arch of your foot, you'll likely want to opt for a compression sock, as it will stretch over these sensitive areas.

However, if you feel you need support or improved blood flow only in your legs, a sleeve will likely do the trick just fine.

Are there any side effects of wearing compression socks?

Compression socks for running are typically safe to wear, as compression levels in socks meant for athletic activities are relatively low.

However, if you have certain health issues, medical-grade compression stockings (we're talking LOTS of compression) should be avoided.

Anyone that is dealing with the following issues or illnesses should avoid using any type of compression therapy:

  • Peripheral neuropathy
  • Other conditions that affect skin sensation
  • Peripheral artery disease
  • Skin infection
  • Thin skin
  • Massive leg swelling
  • Pulmonary edema from congestive heart failure

If you struggle with any of the conditions above, make sure you schedule an appointment with your doctor before beginning any new type of exercise regimen. While you're there, double-check that compression therapy is even an option for you.

Compression socks aren't a cure-all – but they are effective

Compression socks are great for increasing blood flow, and may prove to provide you with some awesome benefits during your daily runs. However, if you're looking at compression socks as a cure-all for your running aches and pains, don't get your hopes up.

While compression therapy may prove to be beneficial for certain runners, compression socks will not cure any type of condition or injury. If you're struggling with pain while running, make an appointment with your physician and have any types of injury assessed. Compression socks for running may be great for relieving symptoms, but they won't help you fix bad running habits.

By all means, keep a pair of compression socks for running in your bag to help you recover from a difficult run, to help you power through those long last miles of your marathon, and as a preventative measure to prevent swelling—but don't expect a pair of socks to keep you running pain-free.

Bottom line: Compression socks can be a great addition to your running gear, but make sure you're keeping your body healthy and happy with proper running form, the right pair of running shoes, and medical help when necessary.


Is There a Difference Between Compression Socks and Compression Stockings
